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User Authn/Authz in phenix

phenix provides three separate modes of user authentication (authn) and authorization (authz).

  • disabled
  • enabled
  • proxy

disabled Mode

When in disabled mode, no user authentication or authorization occurs. Users do not have to authenticate, and all actions are allowed.

To use disabled mode, the UI should be built with VUE_APP_AUTH=disabled (if Docker is being used to build the UI, use Docker build arg PHENIX_WEB_AUTH=disabled) and the UI server should be started without the -k/--jwt-signing-key option set.

enabled Mode

When in enabled mode, user authentication and authorization occurs within phenix directly. Users have to authenticate to the phenix UI, and certain actions are prohibited based on the role assigned to the user.

To use enabled mode, the UI should be built with VUE_APP_AUTH=enabled (if Docker is being used to build the UI, use Docker build arg PHENIX_WEB_AUTH=enabled) and the UI server should be started with the -k/--jwt-signing-key (and optionally the --jwt-lifetime) option set.

proxy Mode

When in proxy mode, user authentication is expected to occur in a reverse proxy that sits in front of phenix but user authorization still occurs within phenix directly. Users authenticate to the proxy, and certain actions are prohibited based on the role assigned to the user.

To use proxy mode, the UI should be built with VUE_APP_AUTH=proxy (if Docker is being used to build the UI, use Docker build arg PHENIX_WEB_AUTH=proxy) and the UI server should be started with the -k/--jwt-signing-key and --proxy-auth-header (and optionally the --jwt-lifetime) options set.

In addition, the reverse proxy should add a header to requests being proxied that contains the username of the authenticated user, with the name of the header matching what --proxy-auth-header is set to (for example, --proxy-auth-header=X-phenix-user).

If a user is able to authenticate to the proxy but is not yet a user in phenix, they will be added as a phenix user automatically and assigned the Disabled role that will deny all actions until an admin user can assign them a different role.

Create a new user

There are three primary ways to create new users.

  1. Choose the Create Account link off the login page and complete all fields in the Create a New Account dialogue. This will initiate a message to an administrator's account who can then activate the account, setting the role(s) and resource name(s).



  2. From the Users tab, click the + button to create a new user. Here the administrator will add the role(s) and resource name(s).


  3. Create a YAML or JSON file at /etc/phenix/users.[yml|json] with the following structure. When the phenix UI starts, it looks for this file and adds any users present in the file that are not already present in phenix. For users in the file that already exist, phenix ensures the user role matches what's in the file and updates it as necessary. This file is also automatically watched, so any users added to the file while phenix is running will automatically be added to phenix.

    - <username>:<password>:<role name>
    - ...


The login page is self-descriptive. Using the Remember me checkbox will set a token to local storage so that you can remove the requirement to enter a Username and Password each time the page or site is reloaded.

If an administrator starts the UI server with the following command, authentication is enabled:

$> phenix ui -k <some_string>

Without the -k (or --jwt-signing-key), authentication is disabled.

Generating User Authentication Tokens

From the Users tab, click the key icon next to the given user's name. A dialog box will pop up where you can enter in a description for the token to be created and an expiration date. This expiration date should be entered in Golang time duration. For example, 4320h is valid and represents 4320 hours or about 6 months. After clicking Create Token a token should appear with the expiriation date.

This token can be used to authenticate when using the Phenix API. Specifically, you would include the following as a header in HTTP requests.

X-phenix-auth-token: Bearer <TOKEN>

User Administration

Updating Users

An administrator is able to click on the username on the table in the Users tab to update a user. They can update First Name or Last Name, Role, Experiment Names, and Resource Name(s).


Global Admin is the administrator level account and has access to all capabilities, to include user management. Global Admins also have access to all resources. The following table provides a high-level overview of all the available roles and their access rights.

Role Limits List Get Create Update Patch Delete
Global Admin Can see and control absolutely anything/everything. E V U E V U E V U E V U E V U E V U
Global Viewer Can see absolutely anything/everything, but cannot make any changes. E V U E V U
Experiment Admin Can see and control anything/everything for assigned experiments, including VMs, but cannot create new experiments. E V E V V E V V V
Experiment User Can see assigned experiments, and can control VMs within assigned experiments, but cannot modify experiments themselves. E V E V V
Experiment Viewer Can see assigned experiments and VMs within assigned experiments, but cannot modify or control experiments or VMs. E V E V
VM Viewer Can only see VM screenshots and access VM VNC, nothing else. V

Key: E - experiment resource, V - VM resource, U - user resource


Resource: experiments

Verb list
Desc get a list of all experiments
Exp. Scoped yes (list is filtered to only include experiments in scope)
Res. Scoped no
Verb get
Desc get a specific experiment
Exp. Scoped yes
Res. Scoped no
Verb create
Desc create a new experiment
Exp. Scoped no
Res. Scoped no
Verb delete
Desc delete a specific experiment
Exp. Scoped yes
Res. Scoped no

Resource: experiments/start

Verb update
Desc start an experiment
Exp. Scoped yes
Res. Scoped no

Resource: experiments/stop

Verb update
Desc stop an experiment
Exp. Scoped yes
Res. Scoped no

Resource: experiments/schedule

Verb get
Desc get current schedule for an experiment
Exp. Scoped yes
Res. Scoped no
Verb create
Desc schedule an experiment using schedule algorithm
Exp. Scoped yes
Res. Scoped no

Resource: experiments/trigger

Verb create
Desc trigger the running stage of an experiment
Exp. Scoped yes
Res. Scoped no

Resource: experiments/captures

Verb list
Desc get list of packet captures for an experiment
Exp. Scoped yes (list is filtered to only include experiments in scope)
Res. Scoped yes (list is filtered to only include VMs in scope)

Resource: experiments/files

Verb list
Desc get list of files for an experiment
Exp. Scoped yes (list is filtered to only include experiments in scope)
Res. Scoped no
Verb get
Desc get specific experiment file
Exp. Scoped yes
Res. Scoped no

Resource: vms

Verb list
Desc get list of VMs for an experiment
Exp. Scoped yes (list is filtered to only include experiments in scope)
Res. Scoped yes (list is filtered to only include VMs in scope)
Verb get
Desc get a specific experiment VM
Exp. Scoped yes
Res. Scoped yes
Verb patch
Desc update a specific experiment VM
Exp. Scoped yes
Res. Scoped yes
Verb delete
Desc delete a specific experiment VM
Exp. Scoped yes
Res. Scoped yes

Resource: vms/start

Verb update
Desc start a specific experiment VM
Exp. Scoped yes
Res. Scoped yes

Resource: vms/stop

Verb update
Desc stop a specific experiment VM
Exp. Scoped yes
Res. Scoped yes

Resource: vms/redeploy

Verb update
Desc redeploy a specific experiment VM
Exp. Scoped yes
Res. Scoped yes

Resource: vms/screenshot

Verb get
Desc get screenshot for a specific experiment VM
Exp. Scoped yes
Res. Scoped yes

Resource: vms/vnc

Verb get
Desc get VNC address for a specific experiment VM
Exp. Scoped yes
Res. Scoped yes

Resource: vms/captures

Verb list
Desc get list of packet captures for a specific experiment VM
Exp. Scoped yes
Res. Scoped yes
Verb create
Desc start a packet capture on a specific experiment VM
Exp. Scoped yes
Res. Scoped yes
Verb delete
Desc stop all packet captures on a specific experiment VM
Exp. Scoped yes
Res. Scoped yes

Resource: vms/snapshots

Verb list
Desc get list of snapshots for a specific experiment VM
Exp. Scoped yes
Res. Scoped yes
Verb create
Desc create a snapshot of a specific experiment VM
Exp. Scoped yes
Res. Scoped yes
Verb update
Desc restore a specific experiment VM to a previous snapshot
Exp. Scoped yes
Res. Scoped yes

Resource: vms/commit

Verb create
Desc create a new backing image from a specific experiment VM
Exp. Scoped yes
Res. Scoped yes

Resource: applications

Verb list
Desc get list of user applications
Exp. Scoped no
Res. Scoped yes (list is filtered to only include applications in scope)

Resource: topologies

Verb list
Desc get list of available topologies
Exp. Scoped no
Res. Scoped yes (list is filtered to only include topologies in scope)

Resource: disks

Verb list
Desc get list of available backing images
Exp. Scoped no
Res. Scoped yes (list is filtered to only include backing images in scope)

Resource: hosts

Verb list
Desc get list of minimega cluster hosts
Exp. Scoped no
Res. Scoped yes (list is filtered to only include hosts in scope)

Resource: users

Verb list
Desc get list of users
Exp. Scoped no
Res. Scoped yes (list is filtered to only include users in scope)
Verb get
Desc get a specific user
Exp. Scoped no
Res. Scoped yes
Verb create
Desc create a new user
Exp. Scoped no
Res. Scoped no
Verb patch
Desc update an existing user
Exp. Scoped no
Res. Scoped yes
Verb delete
Desc delete an existing user
Exp. Scoped no
Res. Scoped yes

Built-In Roles

See the previous section for policy resource and verb descriptions.

  return Policies([]*Policy{
      Experiments:   []string{"*"},
      Resources:     []string{"*", "*/*"},
      ResourceNames: []string{"*"},
      Verbs:         []string{"*"},
  return Policies([]*Policy{
      Experiments:   []string{"*"},
      Resources:     []string{"*", "*/*"},
      ResourceNames: []string{"*"},
      Verbs:         []string{"list", "get"},
  // must supply experiment names and resource names or nothing will authorize
  return Policies([]*Policy{
      Resources: []string{"experiments", "experiments/*"},
      Verbs:     []string{"list", "get", "update"},
      Resources: []string{"vms", "vms/*"},
      Verbs:     []string{"list", "get", "create", "update", "patch", "delete"},
      Resources:     []string{"disks"},
      ResourceNames: []string{"*"},
      Verbs:         []string{"list"},
      Resources:     []string{"hosts"},
      ResourceNames: []string{"*"},
      Verbs:         []string{"list"},
case EXP_USER: // EXP_VIEWER + VM restart + VM update + VM capture
  // must supply experiment names and resource names or nothing will authorize
  return Policies([]*Policy{
      Resources: []string{"experiments", "experiments/*"},
      Verbs:     []string{"list", "get"},
      Resources: []string{"vms", "vms/*"},
      Verbs:     []string{"list", "get", "patch"},
      Resources: []string{"vms/redeploy"},
      Verbs:     []string{"update"},
      Resources: []string{"vms/captures"},
      Verbs:     []string{"create", "delete"},
      Resources: []string{"vms/snapshots"},
      Verbs:     []string{"list", "create", "update"},
      Resources:     []string{"hosts"},
      ResourceNames: []string{"*"},
      Verbs:         []string{"list"},
  // must supply experiment names and resource names or nothing will authorize
  return Policies([]*Policy{
      Resources: []string{"experiments", "experiments/*", "vms", "vms/*"},
      Verbs:     []string{"list", "get"},
      Resources:     []string{"hosts"},
      ResourceNames: []string{"*"},
      Verbs:         []string{"list"},
  // must supply experiment names and resource names or nothing will authorize
  return Policies([]*Policy{
      Resources: []string{"vms"},
      Verbs:     []string{"list"},
      Resources: []string{"vms/screenshot", "vms/vnc"},
      Verbs:     []string{"get"},