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phenix apps provide a means of modifying an experiment topology, cluster networking, hardware-in-the-loop devices, etc. in a layered, scripted, and codified manner. phenix itself includes four (4) default apps that get applied to every experiment by default. In addition to the default apps, it is possible to apply user apps to an experiment using a scenario configuration.

Default Apps

ntp provides/configures NTP service for experiment
serial configures serial interfaces in VM images
startup configures minimega startup injections based on OS type
vrouter customizes Vyatta/VyOS and minirouter routers, including setting interfaces, ACL rules, etc.

vrouter App

As of commit e276a5b, the vrouter app also supports the use of minimega's minirouter to include interface configuration, DHCP and DNS configuration, firewall rules, etc.

The following is an example of how the vrouter app can be configured via a Scenario configuration, showing all the possible options.

  - name: vrouter
    - hostname: rtr
        - local:
          - local:
            IF0: in-rules
          - name: in-rules
            default: drop
            - action: accept
              description: Allow Incoming HTTP
                port: 80
              protocol: tcp
            - action: accept
              description: Allow Established
              stateful: true
              protocol: all
        - listenAddress:
          - lowAddress:
        - listenAddress:
          - lowAddress:

        - interface: IF0
          translation: masquerade
        - interface: IF1
          dstPort: 80
          protocol: tcp
        - ingress:
          - IF0
          - IF1
          name: comcast
          bandwidth: 400kbit
          burst: 15kb
          delay: 500ms
          corruption: 5%
          loss: 10%
          reordering: 5%
  • ipsec: if present, point-to-point IPSec tunnels are nailed up between the list of given IP addresses and traffic between the given networks is tunneled.

    • local: IP address on a local interface (e.g. this router) to bind the IPSec tunnel to. It must have a route to the peer IP address.

    • peer: remote IP address to create the IPSec tunnel with.

    • tunnels: list of local and remote networks to tunnel through this point-to-point connection.

      • local: local network to tunnel to the given remote network.

      • remote: remote network to tunnel to the given local network.

  • acl: if present, access control lists (ACLs / firewall rules) are created on the router per the defined rulesets.

    • ingress: for each interface-to-ruleset mapping, apply the given ruleset to the given interface for inbound traffic. Note that the interface name used (in this example, IF0) refers to the name given to a network interface in the router's topology configuration.

    • egress: for each interface-to-ruleset mapping, apply the given ruleset to the given interface for outbound traffic.

    • rulesets: list of rulesets to create on the router.

      • name: name of the ruleset; used in the interface-to-ruleset mapping in the ingress/egress sections.

      • default: default action to apply to traffic that doesn't match any rules.

      • rules: list of rules to apply to traffic.

        • action: action to apply to traffic matching rule.

        • source: map describing what source to limit matching traffic to. If not provided, all sources are matched.

          • address: source address to limit matching traffic to. If not provided, all source addresses are matched.

          • port: source port to limit matching traffic to. If not provided, all source ports are matched.

        • destination: map describing what destination to limit matching traffic to. If not provided, all sources are matched.

          • address: destination address to limit matching traffic to. If not provided, all destination addresses are matched.

          • port: destination port to limit matching traffic to. If not provided, all destination ports are matched.

        • protocol: IP protocol to limit matching traffic to. Must be provided; to allow all protocols, use the all keyword.

        • stateful: if true, enable established and related traffic for this ruleset.

  • dhcp: if present, DHCP is configured on the router per the provided list.

    • listenAddress: IP address on a local interface (e.g. this router) to bind this DHCP configuration to.

    • ranges: list of IP address low/high ranges to use for DHCP assignments. The IP addresses must be within the IP network of the listenAddress.

    • defaultRoute: default gateway to be included in DHCP leases.

    • dnsServers: list of DNS servers to be included in DHCP leases.

    • staticAssignments: map of MAC-to-IP assignments to use for static DHCP addresses.

  • dns: if present, map of IP-to-domain DNS entries to create on the router.

  • emulators: if present, an list of network emulator traffic policies to apply to one or more interfaces on ingress or egress. For each emulator in the list, only the name key is required, though the traffic policy will not get applied if there's not at least one ingress or egress interface defined.

    • name: unique name of traffic policy for this router.

    • ingress: list of interface names to apply traffic policy to on ingress. The names listed should be the same names used for network interfaces in the topology.

    • egress: list of interface names to apply traffic policy to on egress. The names listed should be the same names used for network interfaces in the topology.

    • bandwidth: maximum allowed bandwidth for interface and direction this traffic policy is applied to.

    • burst: burst size in bytes for interface and direction this traffic policy is applied to.

    • delay: fixed amount of time to add to all packets for interface and direction this traffic policy is applied to.

    • corruption: percentage of corrupted packets for interface and direction this traffic policy is applied to.

    • loss: percentage of lost packets for interface and direction this traffic policy is applied to.

    • reordering: percentage of reordered packets for interface and direction this traffic policy is applied to.


The ingress and egress setting for ACLs are from the perspective of the network segment the specified interface is connected to, not from the perspective of the interface itself. For example, if IF0 on a router is connected to VLAN EXP_01, then specifying IFO: in-rules for the ingress setting means the rules specified in the in-rules ruleset will be applied to packets "ingressing into" VLAN EXP_01. Under the hood, the rules are actually applied to packets "egressing out of" interface IF0.


Currently, the ipsec, emulators, and snat/dnat metadata sections only apply to Vyatta/VyOS routers.


Currently, the stateful setting for ACL rules only applies to Vyatta/VyOS routers.


Currently, the dhcp and dns metadata sections only apply to minirouter routers.

Additional Core Apps

The apps listed below are provided by the core phenix application, but are not considered default apps since they do not get applied to every experiment by default. They're more like a user app, but implemented in the core application instead of as a stand-alone executable.

scorch ScorchSCenario ORCHestration — is an automated scenario orchestration framework within phenix
soh provide state of health monitoring for an experiment
tap manage host taps (typically used for external network access) for an experiment

tap App

The tap app manages the creation and removal of host taps needed by experiments to access external network resources. This includes creating the tap in a network namespace (netns) to avoid interface address collisions with other experiments, connecting the netns with the system network to enable external network access, and modifying iptables to allow external network access from the tapped experiment VLAN.


Host taps can also be used to access VM network resources directly from the host the VM is running on. This is an advanced topic that will be documented soon.

In order for a tap to have access to experiment VMs in the tapped VLAN, it must have an IP address on the same subnet as the rest of the VMs in the VLAN. Attempting to tap multiple experiments could fail if the VLANs being tapped are using the same subnet, so the tap is put into a netns to provide isolation and avoid address collisions.

With the tap in a netns, however, it no longer has a path to external networks via the system's default netns. To remedy this, a veth pair is used to connect the tap's netns with the default netns. A very small (/30) IP subnet is used for the veth pair, and phenix manages the selection and tracking of the subnets used for each pair to avoid collisions.

With the veth pair in place, packets from the experiment VLAN can now be routed externally with the help of IP masquerading in both the tap's netns and the default netns.


This has not been fully tested against all the possible iptables firewall configurations. If you experience problems with external access, it may be due to a more restrictive iptables configuration than we've tested with.

The following is an example of how the tap app can be configured via a Scenario configuration, showing all the possible options.


The externalAccess.firewall portion of the tap configuration has not been implemented yet.

  - name: tap
        # the bridge to add the tap to (will default to 'phenix' if not provided)
      - bridge: phenix
        # the experiment VLAN to tap
        vlan: MGMT
        # IP address to use for host tap -- VMs on the tapped VLAN would use this
        # address as their gateway if they need external access (and it's enabled
        # below)
        # IP subnet to use for veth pair between host and tap's network
        # namespace when external access is enabled (will default to a /30
        # subnet that is not already in use by any other running experiment if
        # not provided)
          # defaults to false
          enabled: true
          # this section is planned, but not implemented yet
            # default action to take if none of the rules below match a packet
            default: drop
              # action to take if a packet matches this rule
            - action: accept
              description: Only allow web access
                # can also use `addresses` to specify a list of addresses
                # can also use `port` to specify a single port
                ports: [80, 443]
              # can also use `protocols` to specify a list of protocols
              protocol: tcp

User Apps

phenix user apps are stand-alone executables that phenix shells out to at different stages of the experiment lifecycle (configure, pre-start, post-start, running, and cleanup). When phenix encounters an app in an experiment scenario that isn't a default app, it checks to see if an executable exists in its current PATH in the form of phenix-app-<app name>. If the executable exists, phenix shells out to it, providing the current lifecycle stage as an argument and providing the experiment metadata, spec, and status as a JSON string over STDIN.


There will be three (3) top-level keys available in the JSON passed to a user app over STDIN: metadata, spec, and status. For the configure and pre-start stages, the status value will be null or otherwise ignored. The spec value will be experiment schema.


You can run phenix util app-json <exp name> to see an example of what the JSON that's passed to a user app looks like.

The user app can modify the experiment at will, then return the updated JSON over STDOUT and exit with a 0 status. If the user app encounters an error, it can print any error messages to STDERR and exit with a non-zero status to signal to phenix that an error occurred.


phenix will only process updates to the spec value for the configure and pre-start stages, and will only process updates to the status value for the post-start, running, and cleanup stages. More specifically, it will only process updates to status.apps.<app name>, which can be anything the app wants it to be (e.g. a simple string, an array, or a map/dictionary).


It is possible for the execution of app stages to be canceled by the caller. In the case of user apps, phenix will send a SIGTERM to the user app process and wait a maximum of 10 seconds for the process to exit gracefully before killin the process with a SIGKILL.

Available User Apps

The sandia-minimega/phenix-apps repo is home to some user apps that have already been created by the community, including the following:

  • protonuke
  • wireguard
  • mirror

In addition, this repo also contains some generic library/utility code for making custom user app development easier. See the README for additional details.


Below is a very contrived example of a simple user app that changes the disk image used for every node in the experiment topology. Assuming the name of the executable for this app as phenix-app-image-changer, it could be applied to a topology by including a scenario in an experiment that includes an experiment app named image-changer.

import json, sys

def eprint(*args):
    print(*args, file=sys.stderr)

def main() :
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
        eprint("must pass exactly one argument on the command line")

    raw =

    if sys.argv[1] != 'pre-start':

    exp = json.loads(raw)
    spec = exp['spec']

    for n in spec['topology']['nodes']:
        for d in n['hardware']['drives']:
            d['image'] = 'm$.qc2'
